Who should complete this electrical safety training?

OSHA 1910.332 the electrical safety training requirements for general industry states that employees who are considered unqualified (not formally trained electrical workers) shall be trained in and familiar with any electrically related safety practices which are necessary for their safety.

 Rozel’s unqualified persons training is designed to keep workers safe who job duties do not require them to work directly on electrical equipment but are exposed to electrical hazards as part of their daily work routines such as opening disconnect switches for lockout tagout purposes, operating power tools or industrial machinery.  

At the completion of this lesson, the student will be able to identify common workplace electrical hazards and determine the proper course of action to keep themselves safe from those hazards. 

Learning Objectives 

  • Define common electrical terms 
  • Explain electric shock 
  • Describe the effects electrical current has on the human body
  • Identify common workplace shock hazards
  • Determine shock hazard protection boundaries  
  • Describe how a ground fault circuit interrupter protects workers from electric shock 
  • Explain the care, use, and inspection requirements of flexible cord sets  
  • Explain the care, use and inspection requirements for portable cord and plug connected tools 
  •  Define a qualified electrical worker 
  • Identify an electrically safe work condition 
  • Define an electric arc flash 
  • State the injuries that can occur from exposure to an electric arc flash
  • Explain the arc flash boundary